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Our Policies

Parents and Staff Communication

We have an open-door policy; we encourage parents to be involved in their children activities and volunteer their time (if possible) as well as communicate with our facilitators to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all children.

Fee Policy

We accept either cash or cheques to pay your daycare fees. If you give us a N.S.F there will be a $25.00 charge. Fees must be paid in full by the 1st of every month. If fees have not been paid there is a $50 late fee.


Guidance and Discipline Policy

Staff members will discuss the basic guidelines of our Guidance policy with the children. This is done through wording expectations in a positive manner and praising children when they demonstrate appropriate behaviour. Negative behaviour will not be the focus of attention. Most unacceptable behaviour in children stems from frustration and anger that they do not know how to handle, or needs and wants that they do not know how to meet appropriately. Staff will get down to the child’s level and speak to children calmly and kindly, guiding their behaviour towards more acceptable ways of handling their negative emotions and meeting their many needs. Staff will be positive role models for children at all times by controlling their own emotions in difficult situations and setting a positive example by treating all children with consideration and respect.

Guidance Policy

The daycare centre is intended to be a place of fun and learning for the children. We program daily activities to meet the child’s developmental needs. In order for us to do this we must set certain limits and guidelines for behaviour. When a child goes beyond these limits there must be clear immediate consequences. Guidance is the teaching learning processes by which children develop socially acceptable and appropriate bahaviour as they grow to maturity. Guidance is something adults do with and for children, rather something done to children to stop them from acting in appropriate ways.


Notice of Withdrawal

If you choose to withdraw your child, you must notify at least one month prior to the office or you will have to pay a full one month fee for your child.

Notice of Absence

We appreciate a phone call when children will be absent from the centre so that we can better plan for the daily program. If your child is absent due to a communicable illness, we need to know so we can inform other families (i.e., chicken pox, thrush, strep throat, etc.)

Parent Concerns

As a child care centre for we are a community of children, parents, and staff all interacting and sharing our lives together. We recognize that parenting is one of the most difficult, intense, and rewarding experiences in your life. We want you to share your thoughts, hopes, and dreams for your child. You want what is best for your child, and we know it is your job to advocate and protect your child. We, as a staff, will make mistakes; create misunderstandings, and occasionally miscommunication. When these mistakes occur, we want you to tell us. As a staff, it is our goal to offer your family the best child care services possible. In order to meet our goal, we need your input, your suggestions, your questions, and concerns.

Eating Watermelon

We are a Nut-Free Environment

We are committed to ensuring the safety of all children in our care, including those with life-threatening allergies to peanuts and other nuts. To maintain a secure environment for these children, we strictly adhere to a "peanut and nut safe" policy. This means that all snacks and lunches provided at our centre are free from peanut butter, peanuts, peanut oils, as well as any nuts and nut oils. 


Your child's safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we appreciate your cooperation in supporting this important measure.

Termination of Child Care

Child Care may be terminated for the following reasons:

  • If a child’s behaviour indicates they are not adjusting to the program, has needs the program cannot fill or accommodate, or is detrimental to the functioning of the class as a whole.

  • If it is determined the centre cannot serve the child’s needs, or if a child significantly disrupts the program for other children, parents will be given two weeks to find alternate child care.

  • If a parent or guardian exhibits behaviour that is detrimental to the health and well-being of the children or staff in a classroom. In an instance in which a parent is deemed verbally or physically hostile or abusive.

  • Disregard of centre policies and procedures might include, but are not limited to: delinquent payments; leaving a child past closing time; leaving a child unattended; endangering the well-being and safety of children etc.

 Kids with  Masks


What to do when your child is sick

Please keep your child at home if s/he has been ill during the night or in the morning and has active symptoms as listed below. A child will likewise be sent home from the centre when exhibiting the following symptoms:


  • Fever (oral temperature of 101 degrees or above) accompanied by behaviour changes or other symptoms

  • Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness (lethargy; uncontrolled coughing, persistent crying; difficulty breathing; wheezing)

  • Diarrhea – defined by more watery stools, not associated with changes of diet or medicine that is not contained by the child’s ability to use the toilet

  • Undiagnosed skin rash

  • Vomiting (2 or more times within 24 hours)

  • Persistent abdominal pain

  • Mouth sores with drooling

  • Rash with fever or behaviour change

  • Head lice (from the end of the day until after the first treatment)

  • Strep throat or other streptococcal infection, until 24 hours after initial antibiotic treatment and cessation of fever

  • Chicken Pox, until all sores have dried and crusted

  • Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment

  • Scabies, until after treatment has been completed

  • Any communicable illness


It is not our intent to allow children who are truly sick to stay at the centre, but it is also not our intent to exclude children who are only mildly ill. We are relying on parents to make good decisions regarding your child’s health, so please don’t send them to the centre if they are sick. Every situation is different, but we will use three criteria to determine if a child needs to be excluded:


  • The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in our daily routine and activities.

  • The illness results in a greater need for care than the child care staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children.

  • A fever is accompanied by any of the symptoms or conditions previously listed.​

Hours of Operation


Hours of operation are 6:00 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. We are
not able to receive your child before 6:00 a.m. Staff will be present but
will be preparing the centre for your and your child’s arrival.


The responsibility for your child by the centre does not begin until
he/she has been received by the person in charge. For this reason, we
must insist that children be accompanied into the centre in the
morning and left in a staff members care. Please sign your child in on
the timesheet in the playroom with the time and your initial. When you
pick up your child at the end of the day, please write time and initial
departure time.


A late fee of $1.00 per minute is charged for each child after 6:00 p.m.
Please notify us if someone else is picking up your child. You should
have a codeword on your child’s file, so that if you are unable to
properly notify us verbally or in writing the staff member can ensure the
right person is picking up your child.

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